Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) is designed for people who aim to get permanent Canadian residence based on their qualification in a skilled trade.  FSTP came into operation as of January 2, 2013 when CIC began application process for permanent residence under the name of Federal Skilled Trade Program. As of January 1, 2015, potential applicants interested in qualifying for FSTP must go through the Express Entry system. Each of the programs has its selection criteria requirements necessary to be met.


Trade certification in Canada is classified as provincial jurisdiction. Each Canadian province decides professions that will be regulated and sets up administrative bodies where it is relevant. Provincial certification is normally difficult to get from outside Canada and according to this program will be most advantegous to tradespeople who receive an approved job proposal from a known employer, or who are already doing their work in Canada as temporary foreign workers. Not all trades are administered in all of the provinces. Where a trade is not administered, a job proposal becomes obligatory.

Tradespeople who receive an approved job proposal for one year period or more in their skilled trade from a Canadian employer are also eligible to make their applications. The job proposal will be assessed to make sure that it is an eligible trade and that the employment will have a neutral effect on the Canadian Labour Market (CLM).


So that to apply for Federal Skilled Trade Program all candidates must meet the minimum of the requirements:

  • Have job proposal of a minimum one year period or a Certificate of Qualification in a certain skilled trade issued by a provincial or territorial body;
  • Have a valid proof of language knowledge which signifies that an applicant meets the minimum threshold set by the Minister (Canadian Level Benchmark (CLB) 5 for speaking and listening, 4 for reading and writing);
  • Have a minimum of two years full-time experience in a skilled trade in a period of five years before they apply;
  • Meet all job requirements for a certain skilled trade as concluded in the National Occupational Classification (NOC).


All candidates are given their assessment against each other in the pool. They are ranked accordingly the criteria which help to know that a newcomer makes a successful contribution to Canadian economy once he decides to reside here. Only those candidates who have been given the highest rank and those who have valid job proposals are invited to apply for permanent residence.

Candidates who have been selected for FSTP have 60 days to apply. The processing time taken by CIC usually consists of 6 months or less.

So, Federal Skilled Trade is an exciting opportunity to get new working experience and live in Canada permanently. Consult VISAPP Immigration for more details at you earliest convenience.

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